Axesstel D8190AF Router

router username passwordThe Axesstel D8190AF router default username and password is explained as well as the default IP address. You can also see how to change the IP of the router as well as change the DNS on the router. This is not a UART issue but you can also see the CP2104 USB to UART driver as well as the Unitek RS232 to USB driver on here. None the less you can follow the narrative and instructions below for this router from Axesstel.

Axesstel D8190AF Router

Note that there are other routers on here as well. These are the Axesstel AXW-D800 router as well as the Axesstel AXV-D450 router. You can see how to change the IP of the router as well as the DNS settings. The default username and password has also been added.

Axesstel D8190AF username and password

The username and password for the Axesstel D8190AF is admin | admin. Also the most likely IP for the D8190AF router is going to be one of the following IPs on your network. This IP can be | | . These are the default IP address for most routers. It will be one which you had chosen before when you changed the IP address on the router. So be very careful when you change the default IP on your network. Much like the Defender USL 116 the router changes it login IP.

See also  Axesstel AXW-D800 Router

Change the IP Address on the Axesstel D8190AF router

Change the IP on the router will need you to login with the default username and password as shown above as well as below. You will note that this is the same IP as the router is using. Click on the “Network” tab on the top where it says LAN. That is  currently the router IP which would be the IP you login to now. Now change the D8190AF router IP there and then click on save. Always remember to leave the Subnet Mask at as is and also now leave the DHCP Server enabled as it was. Now restart the router.

Change the Axesstel D8190AF DNS

Now should you want to change the D8190AF DNS then its the same as the other brands of this manufacturer. You will need to login with the default IP address of the router as well as the default username and password of the Axesstel AXW-D800. Once you are in the menu system of the router you will then click on the “network” button. Now change the primary DNS as well as the secondary DNS as seen in the picture.

Axesstel D8190AF username and password

The DNS IP’s are as follows for Google as well as OpenDNS.

Axesstel D8190AF Router

Google Public DNS, use the following settings:

  • Primary:
  • Secondary:

OpenDNS, use the following settings:


You can use those DNS IP’s for the router. These are the most basic settings for the router.