Aztech DSL1015EN-L Router

The default username and password of the Aztech DSL1015EN-L Router is shown below. See how to login to you router and change your settings. We have shown below how to change the WiFi password as well as the name of the wireless network. There is also the Aztech DSL1015EN-L Router user manual which you can use to see how everything works. The manual is very useful as many of these routers are no longer new. Changing the DNS as well as the routers IP address can be done.

Aztech DSL1015EN-L Router

The username and password as you can see in the box where you can download the Aztech DSL1015EN-L user manual. You can see how the router works with the manual and you can download this below. Further down we have also shown how the settings on the router is changed. Note that the login IP for these routers are the default settings.

[toggle title=”Aztech Default Settings” state=”open”]IP –[/toggle]

Don’t reset the router as this might return it to the factory settings and not the ISP settings. BTW this is the Aztech DSL1015EN-L Router which you should not confuse with the Aztech DSL1000EW-L Router also on this website.

DSL1015EN-Lblankblankaztech DSL1015EN-L routerAztech DSL1015EN (L) Manual

If that IP does not work then try to login.

See also  Aztech Router Username Password

How to change the IP Address on the Aztech DSL1015EN-L Router.

You can change the IP of the router. Don’t forget what the new IP is in order to login.

Login > Click (Top Bar) Home Network Configuration > Click on (Drop Down Box) IP Address > Type in the IP (example: Aztech DSL1015EN-L Router
Don’t change the Subnet Mask, it needs to remain at
Click Apply
Restart the Router

You can change the password of the WiFi as well as the SSID or wireless network name.

How to change the WiFi password on the Aztech DSL1015EN-L Router

Login > Click on  Quick Setup (Top Bar) > Click Wireless Settings On top of the page > Change SSID (The networks name) > Click on Channel 1, 6, or 11 > Click on Network Authentication Set it to WPA2-PSK > Click on WPA Pre-Shared Key and enter your new WiFi password. Aztech DSL1015EN-L Router
Click Apply
Restart the Aztech DSL1015EN-L Router