USB DriverThis is the Linux version of the FTDI USB Linux connector. If you are looking for a Windows version then look here and also here for more information. This Linux driver was released in 2012 and was the last Linux driver released for this hardware.


To install the FTDI USB drivers on Linux, follow these steps with appropriate transition words:

Firstly, unpack the archive by running the command tar xfvz libftd2xx1.1.12.tar.gz. This action creates several directories and files including build, arm926, i386, x86_64, examples, libusb, ftd2xx.h, and WinTypes.h.

Next, navigate to the arm926 directory by executing cd build/arm926.

Then, gain super-user privileges by entering the command sudo -s. If your system doesn’t have sudo, you can use su instead. This step is crucial as it gives you the necessary permissions for installation. If you are already operating as the root user, step 3 and step 7 are unnecessary.

After that, copy the libraries to a central location using the command cp lib* /usr/local/lib. This action ensures that the necessary files are available system-wide.

Following this, adjust the permissions of the shared object by executing chmod 0755 /usr/local/lib/libftd2xx.so.1.1.12. This step allows non-root users to access the shared object.

Additionally, create a symbolic link to the 1.1.12 version of the shared object with the command ln -sf /usr/local/lib/libftd2xx.so.1.1.12 /usr/local/lib/libftd2xx.so. This link ensures that programs can find the correct version of the library to use.

Finally, exit the super-user session to return to normal user privileges.

See also  Netis WF2190 USB Driver

By following these steps, you successfully install the FTDI USB drivers on your Linux system, enabling seamless functionality for connected devices.


Installation of FTDI USB Linux

The provided commands and steps install the drivers on a Linux system. These drivers are essential for enabling communication between the computer and devices that utilize FTDI USB technology. FTDI (Future Technology Devices International) USB drivers are commonly used for various USB devices, such as USB-to-Serial adapters, development boards, and other electronic components. Likewise see also the FT232RL USB to Serial Adapter Driver as well.

When you install these drivers, your Linux system gains the ability to recognize and interact with devices that rely on FTDI USB technology. This interaction is crucial for tasks such as programming, data transfer, and communication between the computer and these devices. By following the provided instructions, users ensure that their Linux system is equipped with the necessary software components to seamlessly connect and work with FTDI-based USB devices. Likewise as the article on the Prolific USB to Serial Comm Port Driver as well.

1. tar xfvz libftd2xx1.1.12.tar.gz

This unpacks the archive, creating the following directory structure:


2. cd build/arm926

3. sudo -s
or, if sudo is not available on your system:

Promotes you to super-user, with installation privileges. If you’re
already root, then step 3 (and step 7) is not necessary.

4. cp lib* /usr/local/lib

Copies the libraries to a central location.

5. chmod 0755 /usr/local/lib/libftd2xx.so.1.1.12

Allows non-root access to the shared object.

See also  Installing the CP2102 Driver

6. ln -sf /usr/local/lib/libftd2xx.so.1.1.12 /usr/local/lib/libftd2xx.so

Creates a symbolic link to the 1.1.12 version of the shared object.

7. exit

Ends your super-user session.


Likewise see also the USB-Serial Port adapter (RS-232) in Ubuntu Linux and Windows Hibernation – unexpected error (0x65b).


driver download

FTDI USB Linux Download