Nexxt Bluesoleil NW200NXT02 Driver

BlueSoleil BluetoothThe Nexxt Bluesoleil NW200NXT02 driver has been added below. Note however that this is a Windows XP / XP 64 bit driver and you would have to install it in compatibility mode if you have a different operating system. See the driver installation below for more details.

Nexxt Bluesoleil NW200NXT02 Driver

Download the Nexxt Bluesoleil NW200NXT02 driver below and open the zip file. Then click on the setup file inside and the driver will install itself on your computer. If you have an older driver then it will install over your current driver but will stop if your current driver is newer. This driver was released in 2007. You will note that this driver is very similar to the BlueSoleil Nexxt NW200NXT03 on here as well.

This is a Bluesoleil which runs on the Windows 98SE/ME/2000/XP operating system. The Bluetooth USB For Bluetooth which is a Bluesoleil driver has been used in a number of devices and not only on the Nexxt device. This was used on other devices as well. You will note that this is a generic driver and works on devices from a CSR Bluetooth device to the WavePlus Bluetooth devices.

Installing the Nexxt Bluesoleil

Nexxt Bluesoleil NW200NXT02 Driver

This is a BlueSoleil version 1.6 so take notice of the installation process. The .ini file have already been changed. The installation states that you can add the following to the setup.ini for the express install. Note that there is also a BlueSoleil Generic Bluetooth driver on this website.

See also  Billionton BlueSoleil driver

This has already been changed in the setup of the driver as we have already added the [IsExpress=YES] to the installation file.

When you plug in a the new USB dongle and the BlueSoleil shows that it cannot detect the hardware. It usually means that BlueSoleil cannot work with the hardware. We added an extra line of code into the btti.ini file to stop that error mainly for Samsung hardware.

Download the file. Extract the driver and then click on the Setup.exe file. If you are trying to tun this on a newer operating system. You will then have to complete the compatibility mode.

You will need to right-click on the Setup.exe file and then click on Properties at the bottom of the menu. Then click on Compatibility on the tab on top (see the picture on the left). Then run the Troubleshooter and see if Windows 10 can run the hardware driver in compatibility mode. See other driver on this website such as the Bluesoleil drivers on this website as well as the BlueSoleil Bluetooth Driver.


Nexxt Bluesoleil NW200NXT02 Driver