Sony C1605 and C1604 Driver

USB DriverThe Sony c1604 Sony C1605 and C1604 driver is below. Note that this driver is a Windows 7 driver for both 32bit as well as 64bit operating systems. The driver will not fix an Sony MTP problems and errors. If you are having connection problems then install this driver but look at the Sony MTP error fix which is on this website.

Sony C1605 and C1604 Driver

You can either try and install the driver and see if you get a connection without an error or you can see the options as there is no singular fix for the connection error. See the error page for more details as it is more likely than not the problem. Now you will need top download the zip file below and then extract the files inside the zip file. You will need to see where the INF file is for the C1604 driver as well as the Sony C1605 driver. See also the USB Driver Sony Mobile دانلود. Also see the mtp device Sony as well.


Installing the Driver

You will note the so0101adb.inf or Sony so0101 ADB Interface driver as well as the so0101rndis.inf or Sony so0101 RNDIS interface driver. You will need to right-click on the first one and the click on “install” near the top of the first file. From there you will then need to wait.

See also  Sony Xperia Z1 USB Driver

Sony C1605 and C1604 Driver

Windows 7 and Windows 10 will then show you that new hardware has been found. Windows will then install the driver. Ensure that you restart your computer if it does not work immediately. You will now be able to see your mobile phone on your computer when it is connected. This is very similar to the driver xperia m4 aqua as well as the usb\vid_0fce&pid_adde hardware ID on here.


Hardware ID

Sony Android Remote NDIS based Device
Sony Ericsson 600i
Sony Ericsson 600i USB WMC Data Modem
Sony Ericsson 600i USB WMC Data Modem
Sony Ericsson 600i USB WMC Device Management

Likewise see also the hardware ID on the Sony Xperia Z1 USB Driver and Sony Xperia Z USB Driver.


Download the Driver

As noted above you will need to download the Sony driver below and then extract the files. See above the file and which INF you will need to right-click on for the install to begin. This is a very easy process and you should be able to complete this without any issue.


driver download

Sony C1605 and C1604 Driver

(Click accept as Chrome blocks the file)



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