Sony Xperia Z1 (SO-01F) Driver

USB DriverDownload the Sony Xperia Z1 (SO-01F) driver here. Search this website for more Xperia options.  This mobile phone drivers for Xperia Z1 working on the (Microsoft Windows™ XP 32bit/64bit and later) operating systems. Use these mobile phone drivers for debugging as well as when you have erased from your phone.

Sony Xperia Z1 (SO-01F) Driver

You will note that there are other drivers for the Xperia on this website, There is also the Xperia Z1 (SOL23) as well as the Sony Xperia Z Ultra (C6833, C6806, and C6843) and the Sony Xperia Z1 (L39h) and the  Xperia Z Ultra HSPA plus the C6802 drivers. There is also the Sony Xperia c6906.

Installing the Sony Xperia Z1 Driver

This is another INF install. Download the zip file and then extract the files inside. You will find two INF files. The first being the sa0109adb.inf which is the INF file for the Sony sa0109 ADB Interface Driver. The second is the sa0109rndis.inf which is the INF file for the Sony sa0109 RNDIS Interface Driver. You will need to right-click on the first one and then click on install. Windows will then install the driver even on a Windows 7 or Windows  10 operating system.

This was the last driver released for the hardware. You will note that this hardware is at least 7 years old so finding an up to date driver is near impossible. Download and install the driver as explained above. You will note that this Sony Xperia Z1 driver is the SO-01F version of the Xperia driver. See other Xperia products on here as well at ADB interface driver Xperia listing on this website.

See also  Sony Xperia Drivers

Search this website for more information and assistance in this regard. You can now use the search function on the side bar for more information on the Sony range of older products.

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Sony Xperia Z1 Driver



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