
The usb\vid_04e8&pid_6860&rev_0400 is the shortened version of the Samsung Android hardware. Download the driver here. The full description of the hardware ID as you can see above is the following hardware ID  usb\vid_04e8&pid_6860&rev_0400&ms_comp_mtp&samsung_android. You can find the driver listed below for the Android device from Samsung.


We can breakdwon the usb\vid_04e8&pid_6860&rev_0400&ms_comp_mtp&samsung_android hardware ID on here. Lets see what the hardware ID can tell us. Likewise we already know that this comes from Samsung and only the first few usb\vid_04e8&pid_6860&rev_0400digits tells us what the hardware is.

What the Vendor ID (VID) vid_04e8 identifies the vendor which we know is Samsung. Likewise everyone knows the Samsung mobile phone products. Vendor 04e8 is the Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd vendor code. In addition the Product ID (PID) pid_6860. It identifies the product as a Galaxy A5 (MTP) device. Note also the there is a Revision Number (REV) rev_0400. So we now know that this Hardware ID is for the Samsung Galaxy A5 MTP device chip. This is from the Samsung mobile phone products. The full installation and troubleshooting can be found under the page Samsung USB device driver.

Note that the term “ms_comp_mtp” stands for “Microsoft Composite Media Transfer Protocol.” Likewise it refers to a composite USB device class specification developed by Microsoft. This for facilitating the transfer of media files between a computer and a portable media device. The Samsung Android is no different. You will note that this appears in the hardware ID as ms_comp_mtp&samsung_android.


MTP Protocol

Firstly the Composite Media Transfer Protocol (MTP) is a standardized protocol that allows the seamless exchange of multimedia content, such as photos, videos, and audio files, between devices. Secondly it enables efficient and consistent communication between a host device (such as a computer) and a target device (such as a digital camera, smartphone, or portable media player).

See also  USB\VID_0A5C&PID_21E4

Note that the “ms_comp_mtp” designation signifies that a device is using Microsoft’s implementation of the Composite MTP protocol. It indicates that the device supports the necessary drivers and software required to establish an MTP connection with a computer running a compatible operating system, such as Windows.

When a device is recognized as “ms_comp_mtp” by a computer, it implies that the computer can communicate with the device using the MTP protocol and provides the necessary functionality to transfer media files, manage folders, and perform other related operations between the two devices.

Hardware IDs play a crucial role in identifying and obtaining drivers for various devices. You can locate specific hardware IDs on this website:


UART Hardware ID

  1. Firstly for the CSR Bluetooth, look for the ID “usb\vid_0a12&pid_0001&rev_8891.” This driver is commonly used in many headphones and earphones. Download it from the corresponding page.
  2. Secondly the PL2303 device also has its hardware ID available. It’s a common driver used for UART ports. Find the driver on the provided page.
  3. Thirdly if you need the “ft232r usb uart driver,” search for the Hardware ID “usb\vid_0403&pid_6001&rev_0600.” It’s available for download on the page.
  4. Fourthly the CSR Bluetooth driver has multiple hardware IDs. It’s a typical driver for generic hardware, often found in Chinese headphones with the ID “usb\vid_0a12&pid_0001&rev_2520.” Download it from the respective page.
  5. Lastly the PL2303 Serial Port MA-8910P has its dedicated page for driver download.
  6. The CP210x UART Bridge uses the hardware ID “usb\vid_10c4&pid_ea60&rev_0100.” Find the driver on its corresponding page.
See also  usb\vid_0c45&pid_602c&rev_0101


Mobile hardware category:

  1. Firstly locate the hardware ID “usb\vid_04e8&pid_6860&rev_0400” for the Samsung phone MTP protocol, enabling phone-computer connectivity.
  2. Secondly for Sony Ericsson mobile phones, the hardware ID is “usb\vid_0fce&pid_adde&rev_0100,” with vendor ID “0fce.” Download the driver from the related page.
  3. Lastly if you own a Sony Xperia phone, such as the Xperia M Dual, look for the hardware ID “usb\vid_0fce&pid_adde&rev_0100” to find the appropriate driver on the provided page.



Hardware ID


Vendor: Samsung

Device: Galaxy A5 (MTP)

Revision: 400


Vendor: Samsung

Device: Galaxy A5 (MTP)

Revision: 400


Vendor: Samsung

Device: Galaxy A5 (MTP)

Revision: 400


Vendor: Samsung

Device: Galaxy A5 (MTP)

Revision: 400


Vendor: Samsung

Device: Galaxy A5 (MTP)

Revision: 223


Vendor: Samsung

Device: Galaxy A5 (MTP)

Revision: 419


Vendor: Samsung

Device: Galaxy A5 (MTP)

Revision: 0c00


Vendor: Samsung

Device: Galaxy A5 (MTP)

Revision: 400


Vendor: Samsung

Device: Galaxy A5 (MTP)

Revision: 400


Vendor: Samsung

Device: Galaxy (PTP mode)

Revision: 400



Note: macOS as well as Linux does not need a USB driver and will detect your Samsung phone. 

driver download

Samsung USB Android Driver


Samsung USB Android Driver (Version v1.7.48.0)

Likewise the latest driver which is listed above was released in October 2021. Lastly that is the latest Samsung Android USB driver. The older Samsung USB drivers have been added below if you are getting connection errors. Try these if the latest driver is not working as expected.


Previous Versions of Samsung USB Driver


The older drivers:

The first version:



Incoming Search Terms: